Farley Peck
Farley joined Skunkworks in 2017. He is an experienced developer with a passion for web design and programming. Before joining Skunkworks, he graduated from the BCIT Technical Web design program with distinction. He understands nerd jargon fluently but can also pass as a regular human when required.
Farley is a big believer in UX design, and strives to create websites that are easy to use and understand, not only for customers but for administrators too. His role at the agency is primarily to code websites/apps and maintain them for clients, but also to help out with any other content, code, or graphical work.
Outside of work, Farley is an avid gamer, with a huge collection of titles across multiple systems. He also enjoys swimming, fishing, and hanging out with his adorable cat.
- BCIT – Certificate, Technical Web Design
- BCIT – Computer Systems Technology
Scouting Report
Book-Learnin’: BCIT – Technical Web Design, BCIT – Computer System Technology
Elixer of Choice: Jack and Coke
Ninja Skill: Can fade into the background in any social interaction
Weird Office Behavior: Sitting cross-legged on chairs
Addiction(s): Bacon, Gaming, Snuggles with cats
Personal Kryptonite: Sunlight *hiss*
Hidden-truth: I’ve watched every episode of kitchen nightmares
In an Alternate Universe This Person: Is the chosen one saving humanity from the machines