Is Your Legal Marketing Content Client Centric?
Legal marketing

Is Your Legal Marketing Content Client Centric?

Marni MacLeod, October 15, 2018

Great reminder from @Stevelinney, CMO at readable.io. In my experience, many lawyers have a tendency to muddy the waters when it comes to writing public-facing marketing content. This is the content that is meant to catch the eye of potential clients who are at some stage of the buyer’s journey. That stage may be just a gut feeling that maybe they need some legal advice through to having been served with a writ or some other legal document demanding a reply. Or, someone may have an idea for a new business, and their neighbour has pointed out there may be licensing or regulatory issues they need to consider. In both cases, it’s likely these people will have turned to Google in search of “useful, relevant information,” to satisfy their queries. What they are not looking for is a legal memo. No, really, they aren’t. They want enough information to confirm:

  • they need to act,
  • that you are the subject matter expert who can help, and
  • how best to contact you.

Remember that what you write to explain to potential clients that they may have a problem or an opportunity is very different than the opinion letter you may end up writing for them after they retainer you. Steve’s post provides some useful guidance.

Create content that:

Is genuinely useful to the reader Is relatable Answers a question or solves a problem Informs, entertains, or educates (preferably all three)

The relatable point is an essential one. Too much content, particularly on websites, is me-me-me – the brand only talks about itself. Avoid doing that at all costs. For example, turn the focus of how you do something to how your readers can benefit by adopting the same practice.

Source: Content Marketing Institute